Saturday, July 02, 2005


You would have to be severely out of the loop today to not know today is the global Live 8 concert. I am going to recognise this fact here and tell anyone who is anyone to take notice. The web epitomises how global the world has become and we are fools to believe any other thing. We in the Uk have a child obesity epidemic on our hands, African families wish that was their problem. 20,000 people die every day through poverty and that is ridiculous when we have food overspills and our leaders do not recognise the needs of the poorer countries. Screw terms like Third World we are ONE world. Do something about it. They don't want your money they want you! Go to Edinburgh if you can if you can't then you are obviously on the net so go to and register your name. Buy a wristband. Whatever it doesn't matter this still concerns you. I have heard people say politics does not affect them. Sorry if you find this abusive but those type of people are F*cking idiots. ALL politics affect you. Choose not to vote and you have no right to complain about the guy who gets in who decides about your future medical health, economical future, right to drive, how much your Dolce and Gabbana costs (if you are that shallow) and finally your freedoms! Tony Blair and George Bush got in because of those type of people. Everything you do is decided by them ultimately but here's the rub. They are voted for BY you. I have heard non-voters say that they do not let anyone tell them what to do. Sorry but if you don't vote then you are just sitting by and letting someone you didn't choose rule your life and millions of others. Apathy Kills! Tell the 8 world leaders they cannot let people die because they want to stay in power. You know its right. Support Live 8 by doing something and guess what? if you want you can do it without moving from that comfy chair you are undoubtedly sat on! There is no excuse.


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