Friday, May 06, 2005

Election Day

Well today Labour got in again, no accounting for taste. Being a Liberal Democrat I am both pleased and disappointed at the result for my party. It was the best result since Lloyd George. I wasn't always political but after doing a few things locally to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the area without resorting to heavy handedness I got asked to stand as an available councillor. Considering I am a long haired getting near to middle aged rocker wityh a goatee and leather I couldn't help seeing a funny side. Have since realised that its easy to moan about stuff but doing something about it is far more satisfying I now feel more fulfilled.
Pity about voting turn out though. People fought so we have control over our future even if it is frustrating and occassionally appears pointless. I am firmly of the opinion that if you don't use your vote you have no right to moan over the outcome. I did vote and I am not happy about the outcome consider this my rightful moan. 39% of eligible voters didn't and that could of changed things I guarantee that most of them will whine about something decided by the current government and if thats the case they had the chance to do something but didn't. Apathy will be the end of the human race.
Still I've spent most of my time today looking after my two year old daughter as I do most days. Children do change you and your whole world view. Those who have them will understand those who don't wont.
I have been evil this week enough. Running a New World of Darkness campaign. Would prefer to do Cthulhu but as a Democrat I let the players have a lot of decision power. I run slots twice weekly. One at the moment is usually Cyberpunk the other flip flops between many games however the campaign is kept running between sessions. Have been a GM for over 20 years now. Apparently I'm a good one according to my players so I suppose there must be some merit.
Hopefully future blog entrys will be less serious but that depends on the world really.


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