Saturday, May 07, 2005

Behind the scenes and an overview of a setting.

Being a GM is hard work especially inbetween being a dad. Have a whole City setting to design is taxing. So far i've been winging it but no doubt someone will eventually get all macho and want to kill something so I'd better get the non-cannon fodder designed. Mooks are easy, characters are hard. My fictional WoD City is called Lethbridge and is one of those Cities that borderlines Town or City Status. It's set in Derbyshire in an undisclosed nook between Manchester, Sheffield and Chesterfield. The River Lethe runs through it from which it gets its name. Vampires, Werewolves and Mortals all exist in my campaign and are all represented in the player group. Eventually Mages will also be added in. I'm going to vent these out over this Blog and maybe people will add to the world with their own input. I've always been that kind of GM/ST. I like my players to feel they have input. Now I am letting the World in.
Now Lethbridge is a difficult town to live in if you are a Vamp. You see it's not known why but no-one can hold Prince or whatever the holder called it before their fate. Everytime someone said "Okay I'm Top Dog and you can all lump it!", they disappeared during the day. All that was left was ash. The last attempt by Malcolm Holden-Mcdowell of the Ventrue/Invictus was also doomed. Malcolm calmly announced his position after a brutal series of status undercutting and influence destruction. He then surrounded himself with Retainers, cameras and automated defence weaponry and lay down in his bank vault for the morning putting a security seal on for evidence of tampering. The next night he didn't rise and the seal was intact. After much debate and after conferring with two of the Cities Elders Gregor Rastanavic of the Mekhet and Ordo Dracul and Bishop Edward Boskon of the Ventrue and Lancea Sanctum whilst being accompanied by the much younger Joseph Gravesen second in charge of the cities Invictus and also Ventrue they opened the Princes Chamber. All that remained was the same pure white ash that had been found at all the other deaths. This has the city in turmoil. The Carthians and unbound love it though as they now hold a lot of power. You see Democracy reigns in Lethbridge and that can only help both their goals. Representatives of all the Covenants meet and decide on how to go ahead. The Invictus are frustrated especially as they have lost the most members to attempts of rule and now feel overwhelmed by the power of those left and have the least members on the Council Macabre (Rastanavic came up with the name and no-one objected) That is just the one and thats Gravesen. The mostly Westminster Creed Lancea Sanctum now believe it is all Gods plan to show that temporal power means nothing. Their numbers have swollen from all the confused and lost. However with their recent loss of Boskon under unknown circumstances, The new hardline Bishop Corvis is advocating a prudent but directed approach. They have set themselves the task of ensuring that the Dracul and Circle do not get their way. The Ordo Dracul are resting on their laurels and looking to discover the reason for the lack of success in an attempt to surmount it and go beyond but they are very, very patient. They are not happy either because apparently Lethbridge rest on 7 places of power. 5 of these have churches on them, one has a Cathedral and they are all held by the followers of Longinus. The 7th the Dracul hold that being the Lethbridge Castle and Museum site. Their are rumours however of an 8th! The Circle of the Crone are few in numbers and do not care particularly but are worried about the Sanctifieds recent gains.
The openess of the Policies allow a radical mix of kindred but in matters of Progeny and Diablerie the Traditions are taken at their wording not interpretation. The Covenants all agreed this was Draconian but fair!

The Werewolves stay mostly out of Lethbridge but a few reside in the city and the rest roam the peak district. They have kinfolk in the city and a responsibilty to ensure the blood suckers do not abuse them. An uneasy truce exists between the two races. This does not mean that there are no incidents though. The Vampires agree that the City is their province and the Werewolves have the Peak District. Not much is known about their society.

Thats a bit about one of my worlds anyway. So far its going well. Feel free to suggest or send NPC's through on this Blog or even bars and clubs. Only one of each is set at the moment. This is an English campaign so try to bear that in mind and it is low on big fights and big on brains and horror. Even then though doesn't mean to say such people or situations do not exist.

If you contribute thanks.


At 11:27 pm, May 09, 2005, Blogger Tybalt said...

Nice ideas Morrigan. Students do exist but its at a small university status.

Casino a great idea can't think why a Bogahande player would want one though can you? Name required though!

Central Lethbridge has 5 suburbs. West Lethe which is upperclass high Police patrol. East Lethe which is Middle class also better patrolled. Hafaeston to the Southwest which is business and industrial and may indeed contain a few "Gentlemens" establishments! Ols Lethbridge heavy levels of slum type terrace housing and council estates. Used to dump Anti-Social neighbours from Chesterfield and Sheffield in order to make their councils look good. Then there is Norwood The University and campus area and leisure facilities. Now also home to the Lethbridge Ravens Rugby League side. The main alternative club is called "The Witching Hour" and sits in the entertainment district of the inner city.

Inner city North and West has OverThorpe and Underthorpe havens of Tower blocks and undesirables.

Keep it coming.


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