Monday, May 23, 2005

On Shaping Life?

It’s so refreshing to know you have done something positive to change the world. I do a bit in the local community to help redirect the efforts of troublesome youth. Recently I attended a catch up which amply demonstrated the changes that had been made. One of the newer kids was one of the most troublesome kids around here and now he is behaving and hasn’t been a trouble for months. The provided site has gone from a mess to a fairly decent allotment and crime is down. Not only that but its won awards. Next target is an alliance against an increased BNP vote in the area of 3.9% at last election and the dressing down of a so called community leader who doesn’t represent the community.

I need to say happy birthday to Carl Anderson over in Hell-A. I hope Torrance is suiting him well.

Moaning about the world is one thing however in this life doing something about it is far more important. In a world where apathy is the new way of life I am glad I do not follow the new way of life.

This blog may be a lot of dreams and imagination but behind it all is hard bitten reality. It’s fine to have dreams but life also exists and has to be dealt with. If you can shape dreams then why not shape life as well? That’s my philosophy. Life is hell but it is easier to live in hell within which a little bit of heaven exists than it is to bear heaven blighted by a little hell for one shows hope and the other shows the onset of despair!


At 11:35 am, May 24, 2005, Blogger S. Naomi Scott said...

Hey there, and hi.

Glad to see that there are still some people out there who do have the gumption to get off their ass and make a difference. What's even more important is that what you're doing is helping to shape the way that the younger generation see the world around them, and I think that this is the key to getting the world out of it's apathetic slump.

You're right, of course - too many people do just complain without doing anything positive. I see a lot of that around me all the time and it's usually from people who mean well but don't actually know how to make a difference. I've been guilty of it myself in the past; everyone has.

We all have our own part to play in the great tapestry of reality. The trick is being able to recognise where and when we can help.

Take care.



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