Thursday, June 16, 2005

A little verification.

Good evening my fine morsels,
I have finally managed to tort... sorry, convince, my minion and editor of this electronic page of marvels to supply an adequate image of my visage so you can see who is the real power behind these pages. I have allowed him his little side projects but it is indeed I Alfred Sharpe at your service. I know the image is a little blurry but that cannot be helped my kind do not photograph well so I haven't punished him too severely for any inadequacies he truly did his best or at least the best he can do with two broken fingers and fracture of the lower arm! However it has meant I have had to allow him a small vacation in order to recover so neither his side project "The Dark Pharaohs" temple or indeed my fine repository here will be updated for a little while. I am currently busy with my brother Keter aquiring business properties in my local area. Humans are so easy to convince what is truly best for them when they are sweating with fear, it is quite delicous! Must go now as my editor is complaining of severe pain in his arm so as soon as I let it go he can sign off for me.

Yours Alfred "Roadhawk" Sharpe.


At 7:43 am, June 17, 2005, Blogger sara said...

enjoy your holiday tony


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