Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Justice and the passage of paradox

Things have taken another twist for the bizarre in Lethbridge. The Black Cat of Lethbridge aka Dr Raines was sent along with the tortured artist and the hacker Moorish to check on the arrival of a newcomer. No one knows how Rastanavic knew of the new Mekhets arrival but they went and met him bringing him before the council where he and Raines were told they would decide on their respective rights to live in City limits. The votes were tight but they were both allowed to stay however Raines was warned not to let his aquisitionist habits stretch to any of the Lancea Sanctum territories. Rastanavic then pulled them aside and informed them of the urgency of the Hopkins murder case and how the sooner it was proven that Bishop Corvis's crew were guilty the better.

On arrival Stewart was greeted by the ghosts of the dead and noted that their were no ghosts from the similar deaths in 1955. The ghosts proved harmless and gave the investigators the clue "Bring Justice to our Killer" as a way to lay them to rest. However their investigations alerted the Malice spirit secreted behind the shield boss that mounted the murder weapons which promptly attacked possessing Dr Raines and turning his Calamitous capability against his colleagues. Stewart transferred to Dire Wolf form and crossed the gauntlet as the Mekhet and Raines/Malice spirit jousted with pool cues. Stewart the n attacked the spirit in the spirit world forcing it to relinquish Raines who soon located the spirits anchor for its bans and severed its hold on the world. The Ghosts however did not leave so more needs doing.What could it be?

Raines and Stewart took time out. Stewart to carry out his work for "The Witching Hours" walls and Raines to bug his reluctant landlord Stewart. The Derelict Alpha Gorman or Councillor Dave as he has come to be known popped in for a wash only to be confronted by the over enthusiastic Dr Dieter Marcus Orthodontist to wolfen appearing from a door frame in a dressing gown in Stewarts front room. Things rapidly went worse particularly after Gorman decide to eat the tropical fish in a bag that the poor dentist had appeared with. The Universe got worse as Raines suddenly got turned into a series of Doctors of the Who variety, the tower block transported to Skaro, they fought a Cyberman, got turned into various charcters from the series, had Raines literally talk garbage and generally were subjected to a barrage of strangeness centered on Marcus. The upshot of which is that they now have a TV which gets free cable when not plugged in and a working Sonic Screwdriver and no idea why Dr Marcus temporarily gained the ability to alter reality at a whim! Only time will reveal!


At 1:21 am, May 19, 2005, Blogger S. Naomi Scott said...

G'day mate. I've got a feed to both yours and Carl's blogs now, so I'll get your updates as and when you post them.

Funnily enough I was thinking about you and your family this week. I guess from your comment to my own blog you've heard of my plans to head down under. Well - they're scuppered at the eleventh hour, so instead I'm heading down south for a few months. I started my own blog to continue with my occassional rants about life in general and to journalise my own writing experiences. Eventually I'm also planning on starting a separate blog for my role-playing stuff, but more about that later.

Anyhew, I'll link to your blog as soon as I update, and until then, be well.

Speak soon.



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