Thursday, November 23, 2006

Back again!

I have now been away for over a year. This is mostly due to the birth of my new son Kristian (Now nearly one year old!). Having now got one of each no more are planned. My work has me at a desk most of the time so haven't been online as much as I could. Also have been very busy personally. So thats my reasons for not blogging but I am not apologising. I said a while ago I would never show guilt for not posting but people still need reasons for their own sense of justification so that them and that's that.

May I add a congratulations to the American Democrat party for their recent successes. It's about gorram time! As a member of the the local Liberal Democrats and having stood for Councillor in Sheffield's Arbourthorne Ward coming second in a field of 5 candidates and scooping a fair proportion of the voting I know how hard it can be to face a staunch opposition. Arbourthorne is a died in the wool Labour area so I consider it a success as I cut the majority well down.

I need to also give a shout out to Carl Anderson over in Hell-A. Congrats on the wedding, sorry couldn't make it but same reasons as above. I am afraid I do not believe it is fair to fly with young children unless absolutely necessary. Hope you are liking Torchwood and the David Tennant Doctor Who's. Just waiting for Christmas edition. Good luck in your future life! Maybe hear from you soon?

Well for now that's all I have to say. I am now off to write the plot for this months Live Cthulhu game. For those who know Markham Eggleton and his Carl Zendik book, Fallen Skies, available on Lulu. He is re-issueing it after a re-edit, some new bits and a new cover and even a new publicist! Go there and buy it as it will be well worth the money! In the future I am hoping to be collaborating with him on some future works as he now lives just round the corner from me!

So until next time Das Vadagna and all that jazz


At 7:58 pm, November 24, 2006, Blogger S. Naomi Scott said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere Tony, and thanks for the free plug :-)

For those who are interested in finding out more about Fallen Skies, you can head over to

Thanks again.


At 8:00 pm, November 24, 2006, Blogger S. Naomi Scott said...

PS: Zendik's first name's spelt Karl.... he he he

At 4:27 pm, November 25, 2006, Blogger Tybalt said...

Ok picky it's how I've spelt his name over the last 13 or so years while gm'ing Cyberpunk. In my games most players named him Carl "F*ing" Zendik heavy on the "F". :)

At 11:12 pm, January 09, 2007, Blogger Mysterious Writer said...

Alright there, Tony. Thanks for the congrats. Married life has been good, so far.
Life's been a bit of a roller-coaster this past year. But nothing to really complain about.

Yep, I've been keeping up with Doctor Who and Torchwood (that series has been a bit hit and miss.)
Even saw the 2006 Xmas special. Very entertaining.
The missus says hi and wishes you, Petra and the kids a happy new year.

I moved Fear... to Wordpress awhile back, but created a new blog on Blogger Beta, and maybe resurrecting my Biff Chariott livejournal blog soonish.

But it is cool to see you are well, and well done on the elections. Wish we had someone of your integrity over here in the US.


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