Saturday, August 27, 2005

Saw this on another blog and thought how true;
A black man walked into a cafe early one morning and thn realises that he is the only black man in there as he sat down a white man behind him said,
"coloured people arnt allowed in here!"

the black man then turned around and replied,
"when i was born i was black"
"when i grew up i was black"
"when i was sick i was black"
"when i go in the sun i am still black"
"when im cold i am black"
"when i die i am black"

the white man paused n just looked
and the black man then said,
"when u were born u were pink"
"when u grew up u were still pink"
"when u r sick ur green"
"when ur in the sun u go red"
"when u r cold u go blue"
"when ur dead u go purple"
but still you have the nerve to call me coloured!!!!!
Makes you think doesn't it? Stop racism we are all human!


At 5:55 pm, August 31, 2005, Blogger S. Naomi Scott said...

Hey Tony. A nice post, with a very true sentiment.

Errm, just one thought ... could you link to the original post, or credit the source? Just thought it might be nice for the originator to know there are other people with the same idea.

Anyhew, back to writing.


At 10:00 pm, August 31, 2005, Blogger Tybalt said...

Unfortunately I cannot remember but since I know the quote was not originally theirs then I know I am not the only one. I remember hearing it before seeing it but could never remember the whole thing! So no not really bit late!

At 3:12 am, September 01, 2005, Blogger S. Naomi Scott said...

Oh, okay then. No worries.

Ciao f'now.


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