Sunday, November 13, 2005

Shrinking Freedom Wraps!

Found this while trolling through blogs testing them because I am having trouble with one of my linked blogs. It was found on “My Turn at the Mike” at ;

“Yesterday, November 11, 2005 (Veteran's Day in the U.S., Remembrance Day in Canada) the United States Senate passed by a margin of 49 votes to 42, a resolution sponsored by Republican Senator Lindsay Graham that could effectively eliminate the Writ of Habeas Corpus from American law. The Writ of Habeas Corpus, which is grounded in English Common Law, grants the right to an accused person to appear before a judge and demand that the legitimacy of any charge brought against them be clearly and adequately demonstrated, and it requires that the state formally charge anyone held in captivity. The elimination of Habeas Corpus effectively allows the state to hold anyone for any reason it chooses without charge, without trial, and without any legal recourse whatsoever indefinitely. Once this absolutely vital legal right and principal is lost to the power of a corrupt and evil regime like that of George Bush (who is demanding that even though the United States does not torture, that it reserve the right to do so), it could be very difficult to get it back from a totalitarian dictatorship that is doing it's level best to hold on to power by any means.”

We in the Uk had a similar but not quite so extreme “Anti-Terror” Law thrown out. Blair aka Bushes Lapdog and Crusade Companion attempted to ram through a 90 day hold without charge Law through. Fortunately for once the House of Commons was awake and chucked it back in his face passing a more sensible 28 day law.

In these difficult times the rights of the common man to a life of his own and general freedoms are a rough road to walk. As long as harm is brought to no other persons have a right to their own way of life and style of living.

The first step to a dictatorship is the narrowing of rights. For example a 19 year old boy in the south west of England was arrested and fined a considerable sum under new laws against promoting religious hatred. What was his crime? He wore a Cradle of Filth T-shirt with “Jesus is a C*nt” on it! Someone complained and he got shafted. So why haven’t Cradle of Filth or the T-Shirt manufacturer been charged? Its ridiculous. This should never have happened.

Knee Jerk reactions will bring the world to its knees. World leaders are playing to baying mobs and that’s a dangerous habit! Ask the South coast Paediatrician who got hounded from his home because his neighbours couldn’t tell the difference from a child doctor and a child molester! (Paediatrician Vs Paedophile).

Do not forget those who died in terrorist atrocities but also do not forget the rights of those still alive who may be innocently dragged unknowingly under just because they were not aware they may have spoken to a “suspect” recently!

Following on from a comment by my good friend Crum on “Insane ramblings of a Yorkshireman” every country in the world has a few skeletons in its cupboard. From a British point of view we could point out that during the American Revolution, American Revolutionaries were considered terrorists while Americans viewed themselves as Freedom Fighters! Also without help from the French, America may not have become free! Don’t forget that the American Statue of Liberty was built by the French as a present to commemorate the help. The French who incidentally certain US politicians have indicated know nothing about Freedom. Their very financial Aid to the American Rebels was just one step on the road to their own Revolution! America would not exist with out Britain’s nearest neighbour and most common enemy, at least before the 20th century anyway, for France helped create the ability to win that revolution.

In Britain’s past we condemn the Nazi concentration camps as works of evil Germanic mindsets. What those same people forget is that the British invented the concentration camp during the Boer War! It’s also conveniently ignored that a Psychologist by the name of Milgram successfully proved that all the typical American required to actively torture by electrocution a passing stranger was the ability to pass on the responsibility for that heinous act!

So lest we forget we are all fallible and have indeed all have at some point fallen. Condemn the rights of the free man at the risk of creating a new threat. A tightened grip can only hold on to so many and more shall slip twixt the fingers of desperate power!

Sleep well fellow global travellers!


At 4:11 am, November 17, 2005, Blogger La Marqueza said...

Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I am still searching for love, understanding, and that ellusive thing called "the perfect man" I haven't given up hope. He's out there. Probably buried under a mountain of barbie doll plastic and desperate to crawl out. Real women have curves. When will men learn that one? Keep travelling the global realms of fantasy. We'll meet each other in the other-world some day.


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