Thursday, July 14, 2005

Real Horror

This page and it's sister page are founded in horror. If you look at their general content that fact can't help but jump out and declare that allegiance! The fact is though the horror they dwell in is fantasy, pure and simple. By now readers of this blog will be aware of the tragedy that occurred on Thursday the 7th of July. Facts were confused at the time but now we with clarity know the truth. Real Horror has reared it's grotesque head. 52+ people died at the hands of a few extremists, many more were injured. Questions were asked as to what country could originate the perpetrators? Was it Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan or some other mainly Islamic homeland? From which nest flew the first suicide bombers in Great Britain?

No Real Horror is finding out that every single one of London's suicide bombers was British born and bred! More horror is bound to follow. The security services of this country already expect another attack. Undoubtedly Hard Right Wing organisations such as the British National Party are queueing up to label every person of the Islamic faith as a future culprit. Retribution has followed with attacks on several Mosques across the nation. If we are not careful the nation could easily divide with acrimonious results. I hope people have the sense not to over react however the human race continually tries to find ways of harming itself so I won't be at all surprised if stupidity does reign supreme over common sense!

For those who don't know all the bombers came from West Yorkshire. They travelled into London via Luton Railway Station. Their Hire car was blown up yesterday in a controlled explosion and several houses were raided. During the raids neighbours were chucked out of their own homes and told not to return till the Police told them to. Many spent the night wherever they could find shelter!

As a Liberal these situations make it harder for people to understand a Liberal tolerant outlook. I would ask that people bear in mind that not every Muslim or Asian is a wannabe bomb carrying extremist. It will be that much harder for any who have lost loved ones or are related to the injured to see it but I ask that they attempt to. Knee jerk response and retribution will only serve to make matters worse and escalate the problems. This is not a White versus Islam problem. The problem belongs to us all. In the meantime the best response is to not let them win. By continuing as normal and not letting the act change the way we live we win, they lose.
It's a bit like ignoring a naughty childs tantrum but admittedly a little harder to overlook. Terrorism of this level is social bullying on a grand scale. The acts of cowards and madmen.

Violent death or injury makes no sense! The world makes no sense!

My respect and best wishes go out to anyone who was harmed physically, emotionally or mentally either directly or by association in respect to the events of Thursday the 7th. My Father and Brother were both taken from me by the vagaries of untimely death so I do in some measure understand.

I wish murder and mayhem were confined to fiction but they are not. Maybe one day they will be. We can all dream as much! Sleep well and try not to let fear rule you!

Monday, July 11, 2005

The Hunter of Hunters

The dark 4X4 scythed through the murky rain. Pulling into the Lethbridge Marchbank Hotel Car Park its light extinguished casting the parking lot into blackness. A tall well built figure in a wide brimmed hat and longcoat climbed out and walked to the tailgate. Rain cascaded down his back guided by the brim. He stopped as if hearing something and then reached into the car and hauled out a sportsbag. Looping his hand round the straps he turned to allow the red neon to illuminate his aryan features. Hard eyes surveyed the area somehow seeming older than the mid-thirties of the face.

Carl Zendik used to love the night back when he was human. How long had it been? Now the night was a chore, a dirty job and he was the someone to do it. For too long the dark ones had ruled in their ivory towers. Deciding who lived, who died and who got to live again. Mercedes Zendik had been one of those chosen to die. His sweet dear sister on her 18th birthday had been invited by one of the ruling undead of his native hometown to a "bitching" party. The coroner had laid on a cock and bull story about suicide and cutting backed up by equally questionable psychiatric evidence. Mercedes would never have gone to a counsellor and certainly was never suicidal or depressive. She was too sure of herself, too much a bon vivant. He'd stolen her body from the morgue and had an old mercenary friend check it over. Merrick had said it had taken nearly 14 hours for her to die. The cause of death, severe blood loss but not from the wounds. The cuts had been done afterwards as if they were little excuses. Zendik had tracked down one of the bastards lackies and nearly didn't come out the other side. The little fuckhead had taken half a clip off of a Steyr Aug and still nearly tore Zendik's head off. Carl got pulped badly and nearly checked out for good. That was when Reyner appeared and beheaded the creep. Reyner sat him down after torching the remains and told him about the undead and then told him how to survive. Reyner had hunted them for decades. Seeing Zendik's fire he took it upon himself to teach Zendik everything he knew.

"You got to drink the blood of your kill, it makes you stronger and you can learn their magicks." Reyner had told him. Carl had baulked at first. That was until Reyner punched through the nearby wall. He hunted the next one down and trapped it. His German Special Forces training held him in good stead. After his first drink he'd never looked back. That was 20 years ago in 1985. Now he hunted the monsters. Relying on his smarts, treating them like the terrorists they in reality were. They in turn hunted and feared him.

Zendik strode towards the front entrance, head canted to one side. Without warning he whirled and pulled a third strap on the bag with a free hand. White cotton and gun fire blossomed from the end of the bag and a shaft of wood exploded from the vinyl carryall. The shaft stopped 4 foot off the ground about 20 feet away. It started moving back slowly as a creature appeared revealed by the impossibilty of the floating wood. The mahogany stake protruded from the viscious rat-like fiends upper shoulder as it stalked towards him.

"Missed! That's the last chance you will ever get deadmeat" screamed the now pouncing undead creature.

Zendik just tugged the strap again as a second shaft followed the path of the first shredding more of the padding in the bag. The look of frenzy on the leaping monsters face turned to surprise as the new shaft imploded his dead heart. He furrowed a trail of murky water in the tarmac as he thudded paralysed to the ground. Zendik stopped him with the sole of his battered army boot and bent down pulling a machete from his coat.

"Double barrelled deadmeat! Pity you won't learn never to hide in rain Haunt!" Zendik hissed as he brought the blade down severing its head. The ancient enchanted Peruvian blade Reyner had bequeathed him bringing final rest to the dead vampire. Zendik turned and walked into the hotel depositing the bag in a large rubbish bin whilst simultaneously sheathing the machete. Yes it sure was a dirty job and Zendik was well prepared to carry it out. Behind him the rain washed away the rotting vampire. Time to clean Lethbridge!

(Carl Zendik used by the kind permission of Markham Eggleton)

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Those offended by my scribes outburst may like to know he has been chastised. In order to recover from the slapping I have given him he has added a tale to his own project The Dark Pharaohs Temple. I would go and read it please or I will have to put up with his ineffable sulking.

Yours Alfie


You would have to be severely out of the loop today to not know today is the global Live 8 concert. I am going to recognise this fact here and tell anyone who is anyone to take notice. The web epitomises how global the world has become and we are fools to believe any other thing. We in the Uk have a child obesity epidemic on our hands, African families wish that was their problem. 20,000 people die every day through poverty and that is ridiculous when we have food overspills and our leaders do not recognise the needs of the poorer countries. Screw terms like Third World we are ONE world. Do something about it. They don't want your money they want you! Go to Edinburgh if you can if you can't then you are obviously on the net so go to and register your name. Buy a wristband. Whatever it doesn't matter this still concerns you. I have heard people say politics does not affect them. Sorry if you find this abusive but those type of people are F*cking idiots. ALL politics affect you. Choose not to vote and you have no right to complain about the guy who gets in who decides about your future medical health, economical future, right to drive, how much your Dolce and Gabbana costs (if you are that shallow) and finally your freedoms! Tony Blair and George Bush got in because of those type of people. Everything you do is decided by them ultimately but here's the rub. They are voted for BY you. I have heard non-voters say that they do not let anyone tell them what to do. Sorry but if you don't vote then you are just sitting by and letting someone you didn't choose rule your life and millions of others. Apathy Kills! Tell the 8 world leaders they cannot let people die because they want to stay in power. You know its right. Support Live 8 by doing something and guess what? if you want you can do it without moving from that comfy chair you are undoubtedly sat on! There is no excuse.