Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Thoughts from a Ships Doctor

The thoughts of Fitz. Ships Doctor of the Firefly Ace of Spades, 2 days out of Verbena.

(an NPC in my Serenity game hence why here and not on unspeakable message)

It’s quiet. I like quiet. The crew don’t usually give me time for quiet so I think its time for me to think.

To the crew I am an enigma I am glad to say and invaluable which I am even happier to say. People might ask me why in the ‘verse I put up with morally backward apes in this flying tin bath? At least this Ace of Spades is cleaner than the wreck we left on Dreyfus Moon. Not a bad idea of Besters switching the Transponders on those Alliance Specials. As far as I am concerned after what the Alliance have done to my good name I am bloody glad Billy broke the nasty Colonels neck! If the Colonel had of seen my face and let slip to Billy, well Billy wouldn’t be so glad to see me with a sharp instrument!

Any way enough about that, let me think about the crew. That Dreyfus Moon thing was a close thing it’s time I evaluated the threat level of this crew.

Brother Lassa.
No threat whatsoever as he has as much to hide as me. I’ve had him on the table and know his secret. He seems to manage to climb across my table more than a monk should. Odd that!

Marion Day.
Clinically I could retire writing a thesis on his contorted brain. His reaction levels are off the chart. If he practised he could possibly defeat Yun Fat in a gunfight. Not sure on danger level as he is the most unpredictable member of the crew. Also he was bounty hunting when we met and I’ve had to kill far too many of that type. If I have to I will have to make sure he never sees the blade drop which brings me to Yun Fat.

William Yun Fat.
Fortunately not high on the intelligence level however nor is a snake and that’s his speed level. He could be a good ally or bad enemy. My problem is which? Depending on who gets to him first and who he believes that could be critical. I know he was on New Kasmir but I don’t know when or what he was involved in. Do I kill him now or hope he can be persuaded to the other? If he had seen the lower lab on Dreyfus and checked the wrong dockets in records I may have been making that decision a whole lot quicker. If I have to remove Billy I am going to have to make sure of him.

Anders Schaeffer.
If this guy looks wrong at me he’s dead because he is by far the most dangerous. I think he knows and the only reason he is still alive is he don’t look like he’s going to be a problem. He might be the only kindred soul I have on this bucket.

A threat! That’s a joke. By the time he becomes a threat to me he’ll be busy locking himself in the engine room to block the fallout. Mr Bester sticks to what he knows and lets me stick to what I do. Not worried about this one.

The Hornet Crew.
Kaz is a worry and Rimmer isn’t. Those adapted seeker probes are going to have to be dealt with.

The Companion.
Their business is confidences I am not worried.

The Captain and Dana Racine.
I don’t think the Captain is going to be around long enough to worry about. To my knowledge only one person I know can permanently cure him and if I do that my life is over. Sorry Captain it’s you or me. As for your Sibling that could be a problem. Dana she has always been ok. She may have been a bounty hunter but fortunately not good enough. Not sure where she went but good luck to her. May she stay away. I actually like her and I rue the day I will have to severe her slender neck, may that day not come!

Harmony and Sammy.
Sammy is no problem. He has no imagination and that’s good for me. Now Harmony has gone as they say fruit loop and mentally reverted to her former name and identity, well the level of mental care hasn’t really gone that far where P.T.S. is concerned! Again no problem.

There that’s so much better really cleared my head. Well I’m just going to log this in my personal records, Triple threat protected of course, then it’s time for chai and bed. Oh bugger that’s the wrong……….


Oh …….

Monday, December 18, 2006


Thinking of starting to run a serial in the manner of old style newsprint drama's or Saturday morning Cinema shorts like Flash Gordon or Sexton Blake. IF I do it will run on Dark Pharaoh or here depending on Genre. So if it verges on the Gothic side of Horror it will appear there if not here! Got to think about it though but several ideas are coming up. Thinking of Shiva Cantrell making it to serial. If you are not sure who she is her death is captured in muy short story Slowdive which had some good positive feedback if not this I may make it an alternative pulp horror set in a Captain and the World of Tomorrow kind of World with a completely new character. Stay tuned.


With fleetness you race, a pale argent chariot,
Across powdered track of Indigo calm.
Your cry heralds your hounds of plenty,
Savage children resting in Demeter’s palm.
Your cool beauty ignites the landscape,
Quicksilver flashes accent the deepest night.
Chasing the dawn, your kin’s golden harness,
Washing our sin’s in your gentlest light.

You judge us not nor brand us inhuman,
As we hunt beneath your gaze,
Your golden kin finds us not so easy,
Our ashes spread from his fiery haze.
Lovers and madmen beg to your glory,
Poets and priests worship you too.
Even Poseidon bows down to your wishes,
His very mood follows your cue.

Watch as your hounds play in your tresses,
Tumbling and howling, filled with delight,
The innocent pray you do not turn Gibbous,
And summon in the mare of the night.
The guilty they play free with your license,
An attempt to stay the headman’s axe,
Of these Sweet Phoebe, I am of neither,
For with my soul, I pay you my Tax.

Copyright Tony Bennett 2000

Friday, December 01, 2006

A small alteration

As from now my diary blog is moving, leaving Sharpes Wolf Pit to cover only my creative and rants if you like. This does not mean I am leaving it just dumping the dross of everyday thought on a new livejournal page leaving this for more higher thought and Dark Pharaoh for darker aspects.

The new page is http://tybaltstormcrow.livejournal.com/ but do not abandon this page as it is not defunct